Methodology – Grounded Theory
Hey guys! I am going to start with my PhD this July at Newcastle University. After great thought, I have selected an area of research – “Theatre and Gothic Novel”. I found it pretty much interesting. I really haven’t decided on any hypothesis or any research objective. I am thinking of going with an open ended approach with the help of Grounded Theory. I am yet to submit my thesis proposal, just having second thoughts. Any sound advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
Posted in: Methodology, PhD Dissertations, Research
carinanicoll 6:54 am on June 16, 2017 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi! Your topic seems to be amazing. It has a lot of scope. You really need to be very passionate about your Research Topic if you choose Grounded Theory as its a ‘Bottom-up approach’. Your research wouldn’t be restricted to the limits of your pre-assumed hypothesis. You will find a lot of patterns and themes. It is going to be an interesting experience. No need to have second thoughts. Go ahead with it.
BrentCheyne 6:58 am on June 18, 2017 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hey….. good luck for your research. To be frank, grounded theory is the least preferred option of researchers. There is a vague roadmap ahead and you really can’t be sure if you’ll get a theory worthy enough to be presented in a thesis. Take a risk if you want to. I will suggest you otherwise.
Brian Johnson 7:00 am on June 20, 2017 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I believe GT is a bit underrated. It works if you have a perceptive mind. You’ll be dealing with a lot of inductive reasoning. If you ask for suggestions, I guess you can try to find a parallel between Gothic plays being enacted at the theatres & Gothic Literature. GT involves constant comparisons, memoing and deriving new themes.
charolettemccubb 7:04 am on June 25, 2017 Permalink | Log in to Reply
I suppose you are performing a research for the first time. Hope you know how to get your way around GT. You will be supposed to extract the theory embedded within the data. It’s extremely time consuming & usually works out well in case of qualitative analysis.